Frances Allen
*Lena Batchelor
*Mamie Bellamy
*Fannie Betrand-Rogers
Mary Brown
Flossie Carney
Carrie Dickens
James Exum
Bessie Foxhall
*John Freeman
*Andrew Harrison
Dorothy Jones
Mattie Jones
Jasper Joyner
*Dorothy Knight
*Wilbur McNair
The below information is not available:
*Honor Students
*Ida Morgan
Frances Pippen
*Loreaso Pippen
Lula Pope
*Clara Porter
*Clara Porter
*Ada Mae Savage
*Roy Sherrod
*Delores Slade
*Lillian Staton
*Sabra Suggs
*Jean Walston
*Erma Webb
*Vera Webb
*Annie Louise Wilkins-Howell
IMPORTANT: If your name is omitted from the above list, please send an email to
(Class photo is not available)
(Information Not Available)
Mr. James E. Batts
(Principal from 1948-1959)